Contact & Directions

Contact Us

CAMA Hours:
10AM - 4PM
Wednesday - Sunday
From May 1st to November 1st

31B Kent Cornwall Rd, Kent Ct 06757

How Do I Find CAMA?

The Connecticut Antique Machinery Association is located in Kent, CT 06757 on U.S. Rt. 7 less than a mile north of the center of town.  Kent is located in the scenic Litchfield Hills in the Northwest portion of the state.  As you head north on Rt. 7 out of town, CAMA is on the left or west side of the road. Use care crossing the Railroad Tracks - It is an active railway.

CAMA is located directly adjacent and to the north of the Sloane-Stanley Museum near historic Kent Furnace.  We share a common driveway, 31B is past Sloan down the driveway.

 GPS co-ordinates:   41o 44.385 N      73o 28.095 W. 

We are always available for Bus Tours, School Tours, Meetings and Conferences and Other Events with prior planning. Please contact us regarding your groups needs.